
Showing posts from October, 2015

Sains Bab 1-Tingkatan 3

Sistem pernafasan manusia. Sistem pernafasan manusia. Bahagian Struktur Fungsi Rongga nasal Rongga yang terdiri dari tisu lembap dan rerambut halus. Melembapkan udara yang melaluinya serta memerangkap habuk pada udara. Trakea Dinding luaran terdiri dari gegelang tulang rawan, manakala dinding dalamannya terdiri dari dari sel-sel epithelium dengan silia dan sel-sel yang merembeskan mucus. Gelang tulang rawan menghalang trakea daripada binasa. Silia dan mukus membantu untuk memerangkap habuk dan mikro organisma yang ada dalam udara. Bronkus Dua cabang dari trakea yang menuju ke paru-paru. Udara terus ke paru-paru kiri dan kanan. Paru-paru Lembut, seperti span, serta kaya dengan saluran darah dan alveoli. Tempat berlakunya pertukaran gas. Tulang rusuk Tulang-tulang yang berbentuk sangkar di dalam rongga toraks. Melindungi paru-paru. Diafragma Otot berbentuk kubah ketika dalam keadaan rehat. Memisahkan rongga torak daripada rongga abdomen. Otot intercostal Tisu otot di antara dua tulang ru...

Sad I Ams-Form 1(2015)

SAD I AMS By:Trevor Millum Type By: Lambaianilmu I am the ring from an empty Cola can the scrapings from unwashed porridge pan the severed arm of last year’s Action man I am the envelope on which the gum is gone the sellotape where you can’t  find the end the toothless stapler, springless  bulldog clip the dried up liquid paper that mars instead of mends the stamped addressed reply that you forgot to send I am the battery in which no charge is left the starter motor which remains inert the tyre on which the tread is worn the sparking plug which shows no sign of spark the carburetor chocked by bits of dirt the chromium trim from which the shine has gone I am a garden overgrown with weeds a library book that no one ever reads a stay which no one thinks to feed the piece of good advice which no one seems to need

Around The World In 80 Days-Form 3

SYNOPSIS The story begins at England. We are introduced to Fogg, a very precise man who regularly goes to the Reform Club every evening. At one such visit to the club to play cards, he gets into a conversation with his fellow card players as to whether it is possible to go around the world in eighty days. He believes that it is and is challenged to complete the adventure. This is the beginning of the entire plot and from then on we see how Fogg goes around the world and we witness the amazing adventures that he has with his companions. The main plot is based on Fogg’s travels, while other such plots merely support the central theme Fix, the detective follows Fogg all over. He believes that Fogg is the bank robber who has robbed a great sum from the bank of England. He puts obstacles in Fogg’s path just so that he can arrest him whenever he gets the warrant from England. The suspicion that Fogg might be a clever gentleman robber is the sub-theme of the book and the author makes the read...