Flipping Fantastic-Form1

    This story is about twin brothers, Tristan and James, who are about to be separated and sent to different schools when they leave primary school for secondary school. They have mixed feelings about going to their new schools and are anxious about this. Besides being worried about their separation, they are also concerned about whether they can adapt to their new schools, especially without each other's help. Their mother, who loves them both dearly and cares about them, is equally anxious.

The climax occurs the day after the school play. Tristan and James react very differently to the school play. They both realise how much they depend on each other and how difficult it would be to adapt to their new schools on their own. Tristan is not sure whether to go with James to Highfields or to go to Chesterlea Grange on his own.

After some thought and discussion, Tristan, who is disabled, finally decides to go to a special school, that is, Chesterlea Grange, while James goes to Highfields. In the end, the twins find that their worries are unnecessary as they both adapt to and enjoy their new schools. The twins realise they have made the right decision and are both very happy in their new schools. Tristan describes his new school as fantastic...hence the title, Flipping Fantastic.


Main Characters


  • Tristan

Tristan is the twin who has a physical disability. He moves around in a wheelchair and cannot walk or move his arms easily. He is also unable to dress himself or play football. Tristan is good in Maths and computers. He is also good in drama and acts very well as Tom Sawyer in the year-end school play. Although Tristan cannot play games, he is good at swimming.

Even though Tristan is disabled, he is emotionally stronger and more confident than James. However, Tristan is indecisive and changes his mind three times about going to his new school. He is also concerned about how James will manage without him and ask Kiara Jones to be James' 'special friend' and help him get used to his new school.


  • James

James has no physical disability. He is good in sports and plays football. James hates drama and does not like Jessica Parker. He lives in fear of her and her 'stupid laugh'.

James is shyer and less confidence than Tristan. He is also more nervous and very worried about going to new school without Tristan. This is mainly because he is very dependent on Tristan. 


  • Mum 

Mum is a loving, caring mother who supports her sons and wants the best for them.

She is very concerned about her sons and does not get upset even when Tristan changes his mind a couple of times about going to his new school.

Mum sees the good in both her sons and is extremely proud of them. She is a very determined mother and always has a positive attitude. Consequently, she does not like the negative word 'disability'.

Minor Characters

The teachers

  • Mr Sewell
         He is the twin's English and drama teacher. 
         Tristan likes him very much.

  • Mrs Robert
         She is Tristan's favourite teacher in Peter Hill Primary. 
         She teaches Maths.


Kiara Jones

  • Kiara Jones

        Kiara plays football and Tristan arranges for her to be James' 
       'special friend' at Highfields to help him adapt to his 
        new school. 
        Both James and Tristan like her very much.

  • Jessica Parker

        She is with the twins at Peter Hill Primary. 
        James does not like her and hates her 'stupid laugh'. 
        However, Tristan fells that she only laughs at James because
        she wants him to notice her.

Elements of the Story

Setting, in literature, is the time, physical details, and circumstances in which as situation occurs. Setting includes the background, atmosphere or environment in which characters live. Setting enables the reader to better envision how a story unfolds by relating necessary physical details of a piece of literature. A setting may be simple or elaborate, used to create ambiance, lend credibility, emphasize, accentuate, organize, or even distract the reader. Thematic meals, games, projects, friendships and lively discussions create the setting of Conversations in Literature. 

Setting of  the "Flipping Fantastic"

      End of Primary School.                                          
         - Going to Secondary School.
           - The place where the narration is written is  not mentioned although three places are referred to in the story.

     - The places referred to are Peter Hill Primary, Highfields and Chesterlea Grange.

    Chesterlea Grange
    Characters  are either major or minor and either static (unchanging) or dynamic (changing). The character who dominates the story is the major character.

    Readers can learn about characters in many ways, including:

    • Physical traits
    • Dialogue
    • Actions 
    • Attire
    • Opinions
    • Point of view

    There are no limits on the types of characters who can inhabit a story: male or female, rich or poor, young or old, prince or pauper. What is important is that the characters in a story all have the same set of emotions as the reader: happiness, sorrow, disappointment, pain, joy, and love.

    Characters of the "Flipping Fantastic"

    • Main Characters
    1. Tristan 
    2. James
    3. Mum
    • Minor Characters
    1. The teachers: Mr Sewell and Mrs Robert
    2. Schoolmates: Jessica Parker, Kiara Jones

    Narrative tradition calls for developing stories with particular pieces--plot elements--in place.
    1. Exposition is the information needed to understand a story.
    2. Complication is the catalyst that begins the major conflict.
    3. Climax is the turning point in the story that occurs when characters try to resolve the complication.
    4. Resolution is the set of events that bring the story to a close.

    Plot of the"Flipping Fantastic"

    • Exposition
    The main characters, Tristan, James and Mum, are introduced. We also learn more about the twins and the upcoming school play.

    • Rising Action
    Both Tristan and James have mixed feelings about going to their new schools. They are worried about being separated and whether they can adapt to their new schools.

    • Climax
    The climax occurs the day after the school play. Tristan and James react very differently to the school play. They both realise how much they depend on each other and how difficult it would be to adapt to their new schools. Tristan is not sure whether to follow James to Highfields or to go to Chesterlea Grange on his own.

    • Falling Action
    At first, Tristan tells his mother that he does not want to go to Chesterlea Grange. Then, James talks to him and Tristan changes his mind.

    • Resolution
    This is the ending where the twins realise that they have made the right decision. They are both happy in their new schools.

    Theme, in literature, is the central idea or ideas explored by a literary work. John Gardner puts it this way: "By theme here we mean not a message - a word no good writer likes applied to his work - but the general subject, as the theme of an evening of debates may be World Wide Inflation."
     A work of literary may have more than one theme. 

    Themes of the "Flipping Fantastic"
    There are a few themes in this story. They are:

       1.    The relationship between brothers
               Being twins, the two brothers are extremely close to each 
               They depend on each other a lot and they fear 
               being separated.

       2.    The pain of separation 
               The twins experience the pain of separation when they have 
               to go to different schools.

       3.    Fear of change
               The twins fear change as they are very comfortable as they 
               are presently.
               They are worried as they know their lives will be very 
               different when they go to another school, especially if
               they go to different schools.

       4.    Mother's love
               The mother's love for her children is unlimited. 
               She is proud and supportive of both her sons. 
               She understands their characters well and 
               worries about them constantly. 
               She refuses to accept that Tristan has disabilities and 
               her attitudes helps Tristan carry on with life in a positive 

       5.    Adapting to new environments
               The twins learn that they cannot fight change and they have 
               to adapt to their new environments.
               In the end, they find that they need not have worried as they 
               adapt to their new school quickly and are extremely happy 

    Moral Value, in literature, is the beliefs and personal opinions about what is right (honest, ethical, true) conduct and what is wrong (dishonest, false, harmful) conduct held by individuals and held collectively by socially cohesive groups of individuals.

    Moral Values of the "Flipping Fantastic"
    1. It is important to get co-operation and support from family
         members to make good decisions.
    2. Parents who are patient and understanding can build a child's
         confidence and self-esteem.

    Point of view: the perspective from which the story is told.

    • The most obvious point of view is probably first person or "I."
    • The omniscient narrator knows everything, may reveal the motivations, thoughts and feelings of the characters, and gives the reader information.
    • With a limited omniscient narrator, the material is presented from the point of view of a character, in third person.
    • The objective point of view presents the action and the characters' speech, without comment or emotion. The reader has to interpret them and uncover their meaning.
    A narrator may be trustworthy or untrustworthy, involved or uninvolved. 

    Point of View of the "Flipping Fantastic"
    This story is told in the first person point of view. It is in the form 
    of a diary or journal. The three main characters give their 
    personal points of view on the events and incidents that occur in the story.


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